School Leadership Team
What is an SLT?
The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop policies around education for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies.
School Leadership Teams:
- Provide ongoing assessments of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement.
- Play an important role in school-based decision-making
- Help to make school cultures more collaborative.
What is the role of an SLT?
- An SLT is responsible for developing a school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP). See the iPlan portal to find your CEP.
- An SLT makes a yearly evaluation of the principal’s record of developing an effective, shared decision-making relationship with the SLT members during the year. This evaluation is given to the community district or high school superintendent.
- The SLT is not responsible for the hiring or firing of school staff. However, according to Chancellor’s Regulation C-30, the SLT must be consulted prior to the appointment of a principal or assistant principal.
- Visit the SLT support site to get the toolkit, bylaws, training modules, and other resources.
How many people are on an SLT?
An SLT should have a minimum of 10 members, and a maximum of 17 members. The exact number of members on a school’s SLT is stated in the team’s bylaws. Regardless of the total number, the SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff members.
How do SLTs make decisions?
SLTs must use consensus-based decision making. In this type of process, all participants contribute to and help shape the final decision. By listening closely to one another, members come up with solutions and proposals that work for the group.
This approach is empowering because each member has the opportunity to influence team decisions. When all members are able to voice their opinions and concerns, they are more likely to stay invested in and connected to the work of the team. This sets the stage for greater cooperation and mutual respect.
2024-2026 School Leadership Team
Members for 2024 - 2026:
Kelly McCann - Principal
Cara Sokolsky - PA Co-President
Melissa Composto (School Safety Liaison) - UFT Chapter Leader
Jessica Sheldrick (Chairperson) - Elected UFT
Samantha Derasmo (Recording Secretary ) - Elected UFT
Kaitlin Monahan (Financial Liaison) - Elected UFT
Jennifer Bennett- Elected DC-37
Alexis Esposito - UFT
Anna Troshkina - Elected Parent
Teri Cohen - Elected Parent
Carmen Pacheco - Elected Parent
Adam Rahkman - Elected Parent
Albina Bajgora - Elected Parent
Fadwa Battaoui - Elected Parent
SLT Bylaws
Click here to see the School Leadership Team Bylaws.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will take place in person at the school in Room 125, unless otherwise noted.
All meetings will begin at 2:30pm, unless otherwise noted. Dates and time are subject to change.
September 19, 2024
October 10, 2024
November 6 at 6:30PM: SLT member virtual training:
December 12, 2024
January 14, 2025 (Rescheduled from January 9)
February 6, 2025
March 13, 2025
April 10, 2025
May 8, 2025
June 12, 2025
If you are interested in attending any of the meetings above, please send your request to