Arrival and Attendance
Arrival and Attendance
We open our doors for our students at 7:40am.
Students in Grades K - 3 enter through the main doors.
Students in Grades 4 & 5 enter through Exit 7, (near Moore Place).
If students are having breakfast, they should go directly to the Cafeteria.
If they are lining up with their class, they need to report as follows:
School starts promptly at 8:10am. Students that arrive after 8:10am must get a late pass. Parents should wait with their children on the late line until a pass is given. Late students must wait in the lobby until all classes leave the auditorium/cafeteria before heading to their classroom.
Attendance is Important
According to Chancellor’s Regulation A-210, school-age children in New York City are required to attend school on a full-time basis. Therefore, please be aware of the following:
Students are expected to be on time and in school every day.
Vacations, trips, or other activities are considered unexcused and should be made and scheduled when school is not in session.
Every effort must be made to schedule medical appointments after school hours so instructional time is not lost.
Students attending P.S. 255 should maintain minimum standards of attendance (90%).
Most Middle schools use attendance as one of their determining factors during the application process. Given equal ability and achievement, middle schools will accept the child with better attendance.
Attendance is one of the determining factors when considering a student’s promotion to the next grade.
Failure to maintain a 90% attendance and punctuality rate may result in your child's exclusion of special functions, such as awards ceremonies and Student of the Month acknowledgment.
Student success in school is directly related to the importance parents stress on education. Regular attendance not only emphasizes the importance of school, but also promotes responsibility and self-discipline. We need your help to ensure our students set good habits of punctuality at a young age.